material handler front endmaterial handler boom
LRHR, LLC 106 Ark Road - Lumberton, NJ Phone: 609-257-3706


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   Marsh Buggies /

   Marsh Buggies
   For Sale/Rentals

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   Booms / Sticks
   and Repairs

   - Used -
   Booms & Sticks
   Long Fronts
   Long & High Reach

   Additional Stick

   Material Handler
   F/E & Machines

Standard - Cores
   Booms / Sticks

   Marine Equipment

   Elevated Cab

   About our Factory

   Clamshells &

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Marsh Master Rentals

Are you looking to rent a Marsh Master or marsh buggy amphibious vehicle?
We can help. Ransome Equipment and LRHR, LLC is a 100 year old family tradition business experienced in manufacturing, locating and sourcing equipment for our customers' needs at the best value. (Both sales & rentals)
View our rental list here
As you must know, amphibious vehicles are for those tough to handle projects in swamps or wetlands. If now may not be the right time to make a purchase, a rental makes perfect sense. If you have any questions about our Marsh buggy rentals, feel free to call and chat with owner, Percy Ransome at 215-350-1165.

Answers to frequently asked marsh buggy rentals:
Q: What are marsh buggy amphibious vehicles?

A: A trusted name in marsh machinery, decades in the making. These vehicles are designed specifically for working in some of the harshest and unforgiving job site terrains.... wetlands. They are built to perform and last. We are proud to be your marsh buggy rental source.

Q: What are Marsh Master rental prices?

A: Of course the prices differ on the vehicle you're interested in. As stated above, feel free to call owner, Percy Ransome 24/7 for rental prices and any other questions you may have.



106 Ark Road  ·  Lumberton  ·  NJ  ·  08048
Phone: 609-257-3706
Fax: 609-257-3719

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